Saturday, May 31, 2014

Alyvia RayAnn Veater - Newborn

Alyvia RayAnn Veater was born on April 29, 2014 at 11:21 A.M. weighing 6 pounds 3 ounces and 18 inches tall. Alyvia was completely against getting her pictures taken. We tried to take her newborn photos at two weeks old. For two and a half hours we tried and she wouldn't budge. She just cried the entire time. So we tried again just before she turned a month old, which I don't  normally do newborns at that age but Cassie really wanted pictures of her baby girl. So we tried for another four and a half hours!! And we finally were able to get some pictures out of her!!! It took a lot of time and effort to take her pictures but I love how they turned out. And Alyvia did great!

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